There are two types of Timor-Leste National qualifications, such as Competency Standards and Organized Standards as regulated in the National Qualification Framework. INDMO as the regulatory body for the vocational training system in Timor-Leste which responsible for design and define competency standards being used at training centres.
INDMO develop competency standards from qualification level 1 to level 4 of various productive sectors. Competency standards with a level of teaching and equip knowledge, which apply for a specific profession. This mandate is written on a) Decree-Law article 4, no 8/2008, dated 5th of March, combines with Article 14 of the Decree-law no 36/2011, dated 17th of August.
INDMO has been developing national qualifications industry-driven competency. Meaning to ensure the employability of the graduates. Integration of 21st Century skills, IR 4.0 skills and current industries best practices which also consider as essential part. Therefore, INDMO has issued a guideline for the development of competency standards which align with the description of learning outcomes from any level of national qualifications as prescribed in the National Qualification Framework. The manual also emphasizes the importance of maximum participation by various industries representatives (small, medium and big enterprises) which has 60% of the specialized commission.
Competency standards are developed based on the initiatives of training providers as well as technical persons working at INDMO upon conducting the sectoral analysis. All drafts to be submitted for discussions and validation by the Technical Working Group Industry Sub-Commissions. National and International experts are engaged for the sectoral competency standards developments stage.
INDMO will register particular competency standards in the National Qualification Catalogue once approved by the Executive Commission.