Accreditation of Training and Assessment Centers

Accreditation of Vocational Training and Assessment Centers

All training providers in Timor-Leste have to be recognized by the government of Timor-Leste based on the minimum criteria under the National Qualification Framework. INDMO is a quality control state body to the vocational training centres and its courses. This function has been regulated at letter c) of Article 4 of the Decree-law no. 8/2008, dated 5 March, combines with article 8, 9 and 10 of the Decree-law no 36/2011, 17 August.

Candidates of training providers will be given operational license upon strict or comprehensive assessment done by INDMO. The duration of a valid operational license is 2 years. There are minimum criteria for centres to obtain an operational license or initial accreditation, including; the mission of the institution should be reflected in the courses and programs offered; a clear organogram and management team; cycle or level of courses or program is consistent with the mission of the institution; its competency standards have to align with the minimum criteria of national qualification framework; qualifications and experiences of trainers have to be recognized by INDMO; quality infrastructure, supporting facilities and equipment for learning purposes. All centres will subject again to process the accreditation before the period of operational or initial accreditation expires. 

To facilitate the implementation of these functions, INDMO has developed guidelines for the assessment of the centres to obtain accreditations as vocational training and assessment centres. In addition to this, INDMO has also developed guidelines for programmatic accreditation offered at the training centres. Again in this stage of assessment, industry representatives, national and international experts or accreditors; senior officer of different technical line ministries are engaged too. 

After conducting assessments (for those who meet the criteria) will be given the operational licence or accreditation signed by the responsible person from INDMO. However, programmatic accreditation should seek approval from the executive committee.

At the end of the assessment process, centres (who meet the criteria) will be given certificates of recognition from the government.

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